How To Put Anarchy Into Your Daily Life
Dana Williams
Anarchism has a long history, huge volumes of theory, and tons of ideas. It might seem daunting, even impossible to think of how to apply it to everyday life. Thankfully, putting anarchism into practice is pretty damn simple. It's about living your life in the most free way possible, it's about standing up for each other, and it's about challenging authority and domination. So, in the spirit of healthy rebellion, here are some casual and lo-fi ways to put a bit of anarchy into your daily life... but don't forget, anarchism isn't a theology. Come up with your own ideas, too!
  • Keep a black marker in your pocket at all times. Use it to write on the walls of bathroom stalls. Be poetic, be polemic, be situationist, and be radical.
  • Ride a bike everywhere you go, to remind you of how important “place” is and how much damn gasoline we are all wasting everyday. Encourage others to do the same.
  • Talk to at least one person you don't know, everyday. Ask them “why in the hell don't people talk to each other anymore?”
  • Goto the place you fear the most: a neighborhood, a nightclub, a house, a dark alley... challenge your fear.
  • If you see police hassling someone, talk to the police and ask them what's going on. Stick around to observe what's going on. Your presence can help make sure the person is treated better. Don't let the cops blow you off or threaten you -- explain as clearly as you can that you want to make sure the suspect's rights will be upheld.
  • Challenge sexist, racist, homophobic, and classist language from those around you.
  • Give a couple bucks from your paycheck and an hour of your time to a needy community group or cause.
  • Visit with homeless people-- listen to them, don't preach to them. Try to understand where they are coming from, and how this fucked up system landed them where they are today.
  • Set a chair out on a public sidewalk and talk to those who pass by.
  • Slip small cards into clothing made in places like Burma, Bangladesh, or El Salvador that read “This garment was made in a sweatshop. The person who helped to make it was paid pennies for their effort and still is on the verge of starvation at the end of the day. Wear this garment with pride!”
  • Shop at nearby family/locally-owned stores, and if possible, at collectively owned/managed stores. Keep your money local and in the hands of those who treat their workers well (and preferably have unions). And don't cross picket lines.
  • Do not treat wage slaves with anger, contempt, or impatience. They make shit wages and don't need the extra stress foul behavior puts on their workdays. Treat them with respect, kindness, and appreciation.
  • Write up your own zines, rants, propaganda, fliers, and handouts. Make them interesting, exciting, and thought-provoking (with lots of pictures!) Hand them out to people you know, hand 'em out at the laundry mat, in your classrooms, on the street, etc. Ask people to let you know that they think of it.