What does anarchist philosophy suggest about the following?
[Note: this is one individual's perspective only! Disagreement is healthy! This is brain-candy only! Anti-Copyright 2001-2003]
Activism: doing things that attempt to change society; not for direct personal benefit.
Autonomy: not being under the control of any other person or thing. Drawing conclusions, making decisions, and taking action independent of outside forces.
Capitalism: a system of class stratification, unequal power, greed, and human indifference.
Coercion: the use of force to make people do things against their will.
Collective: togetherness. Emphasizing the ability to complement others for a mutually beneficial goal.
Colonialism: a practice in which people of one state control, suppresses, and benefit at the detriment to the people of another land.
Corporations: artificial entities that have taken on the "rights" of living human beings. Non-democratic, unanswerable to the public, exploitive of class stratification, motivated by greed and profit, and largely unpunished for their widespread crimes.
Democracy: a political philosophy that suggests that all people should have an active voice and ability to control the things that affect the things in their lives.
Direct Action: personally doing something based upon a deeply held conviction, even if against the law. Not letting others do on your behalf.
Diversity: variety of perspectives, identity, life-experience, ideas, and goals. A useful, just, worthwhile, and rewarding goal.
Egalitarianism: to be innately equal in self-worth and strive for equitable empowerment.
Environmentalism: concern, defense, and championship of all living things on the earth that are harmed by human action.
Fascism: the oppression of minorities, repeal of civil liberties, jingoistic foreign policy, and authoritarian rule.
Feminism: perspective that stands for female self-empowerment, dismantling of male-supremacy and patriarchy, and an equalization of gender power.
Freedom: the ability to do and be whatever wanted insofar as the ability for others to do what they want is not impaired.
Hierarchy: a structural method for giving some people power over others.
Humanism: considering human empathy, compassion, justice, and self-worth to take precedence over artificially contrived concerns.
Militarism: using state violence to force others to accept political and economic objectives. Usually is devoid of democratic oversight, self-restraint, humane-methods, or public honesty.
Monarchy: the practice of One having unique power over others an entire society.
Mutual Aid: helping others who need and ask for help, even when there is no foreseeable self-benefit or reward, except for the knowledge that everyone at some point needs help from others.
Neo-Liberalism: attitude that champions un-restricted freedoms for individuals and entities concerned only with capital-accumulation and criticizes those who would interject human and environmental concerns.
Organization: something that is intentionally formed, structured, or decided for a specific purpose.
Patriarchy: male values take precedence over female values, leading to the subjugation and oppression of women. Male domination.
Power: strength (can be political, economic, cultural, physical, emotional, or mental). The least desirable kind is "power over others". "Power from within" and "power together" are the ideal.
Presidents/Prime Ministers: useless at best, apocalyptic at worst. Kings that are voted for.
Radical: to get at the "root" of something.
Religion: structure for belief in a greater power without true knowledge and the historical tendency to use this belief as justification for oppression.
Self-Determination: the ability to decide and act for oneself, unrestricted by the desires of others.
Sexuality: thought, identity, and act that involve emotion, human interaction, or intercourse.
Solidarity: active support for others whose freedoms are at risk.
Unionism: forming into groups of like-minded workers to use collective power to ensure just, safe, and empowered work. To lead to worker self-management and collective-profit.
War: the result of militaristic attitudes that assume that conflict must be resolved with large-scale violence, usually against innocent and uninvolved persons.
Violence: harm caused to human beings (not "corporate beings" or property). Includes police brutality, war, poverty, domestic abuse, etc.
Xenophobia: hatred embodied as active discrimination against people strictly because of their ethnicity or national origin. A ludicrous i dea.